Monday, June 11, 2012

Minimalist Poster

This is the final project for our GD2 class. The assignment was to make 5 minimalist posters of a movie group (Disney, Pixar, ex.) or of a single movie. I chose to use Pixar films, but due to time, i was only able to finish two of them. The two I finished are for the films Up, and Toy Story.

Personal Logo

For this assignment, we had to create a personal logo. I chose the name Fancy Faces and made a man with a handlebar moustache wearing a monocle as the logo. If there is a company that has this name, I do not intend to use it. It was simply the assignment I was given.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Abstract Font

I used the font Vladimir Script for this project. The hardest part i found while doing this is finding a good place to connect the letters without making it look crappy. Manipulating some of the letters to actually fit the style I was going for annoyed me to a great extant. When I look at it now, I see a Gyarados.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Meh Word!

This is the final we had to do for Graphic design. I decided to do the word Meh, because all the things I like don't necessarily have one word to describe it. While working on this I had some trouble because I was zooming so far in that it wouldn't let me zoom in any more. When I look at it now I still see some white spots that I want to fill in...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011